Sunday, March 26, 2017

How to run magento commands for windows user?

While working with a magento project in my windows computer I needed to run some magento commands and here is the basic process to do this task:

I have my magento project installed under my xampp server so I need to point that directory using windows command prompt like below:

cd xampp \ htdocs \ magento2 \ bin
C:\xampp\htdocs\magento2\bin> php magento setup:upgrade

in this way we can run magento commands on windows platform.

make sure xampp server has been started prior to run the command.

1 comment:

  1. Great information for users, simple and easy solutions really appreciate it! Take out the time and also check out magento ecommerce company for tips on how to smoothly run ecommerce business and how to make it work for you, Thanks!
